My passion!!!!!!!! (Archery!)

Archery, Braggers Wood Fenners1984 via Compfight                                                                         Hi my name is Peyton S. I am 11 years old and I love archery. In archery there is this thing called the 11 steps to archery success. Archery is a sport that I’ve done for almost three years. It’s a sport that anyone can do, even if you haven’t ever held a bow ever. Its really fun and you make friends while doing it, if you’re on a team or doing it with other people. Some tips are is to aim down your arrow, it will result in a more accurate shot.When your doing the 11 steps you should stay calm if you move around (its hard for me cause i’m a person who cant sit/stand still) aim will be off and it might cause a distraction. It’s a good way to exercise without going outside and sweating. It’s considered a safe sport if you follow the 11 steps and control you bow and arrows at all times.  I’ve been to many archery events and haven’t seen anyone get hurt. Hope you enjoy the rest of my blog, bye!!!! The steps are…….

  1. Stance. The stance for archery is stand sideways, your back foot should be straight, and your front foot should be turned outward slightly.
  2. Nock arrow, you take the arrow out of the quiver (a thing that holds your arrows) and place the nock under the little bead on your string.
  3. Place your index, middle, and ring finger under the arrow’s nock.
  4. Bow hand set, relax make sure that your three fingers are in the right spot.

5/6 .Pre draw and draw, pull back the bow string.

  1. Anchor. Get set,stay still.
  2. Aim, aim at the target.
  3. Shot set up, stay aimed for three seconds.
  4. Release, let go of the bow string gently.
  5. Follow through/ reflect, think about how you can improve for the next shot.